Tuesday, September 21

Time to start thinking Christmas

This is a project I started last Christmas, maybe I'll get it completed this year!
I started the Christmas Tree in December 09 to use instead of a real tree.  My husband was having major back surgery December 23 so we wouldn't be home.  I thought this was a perfect way to take Christmas to the hospital.  I did take and and hang it up on the wall even though it wasn't finished.
It is two separate pieces.  The tree and the runner. I promise myself I WILL FINISH THIS!

But I also now have many purse requests to finish before Christmas as well. But that is a good thing. 
I love to be able to make things for others to enjoy!


Regina said...

That is really pretty. I hope you get a chance to finish it and I hope you get to spend the holidays at home this year.

Kathy said...

Your Christas tree and runner is very pretty! I love love love Christmas and have visions of one day having a finished Christmas quilt on every bed in my home.......maybe one day!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I will get this finish before Christmas this year! If I stay off this computer I might!