Saturday, March 26

This and That

Howdy Y'all!

It is has been WAY to long since I last posted anything.  So this post is going to be a "catch up " post.'So here we go...

I met my sister in Atlanta for the Quilting and Sewing Expo, March 9-11.  WE HAD A BLAST!  This was a first for both of us. We spent all Thursday walking around looking at everything and of course we SHOPPED!  Friday, we had three different classes.  Here is a picture of the floor area from upstairs in a classroom.

There was so much to look at. We bought some fabric, patterns, tools and knic-knacks!
Here is my favorite finds!
Now I just need to wash my truck so I can put it on.
Here is some more stuff I bought on Thursday.

I bought the sunflower fabric to make me a new purse. So I did, a couple of days ago.

I am in the middle of making a wallet to match it.

These are some of the patterns I bought.

I love this turtle one!
I am hoping to practice my free motion using this pattern
(this is a pic of the sample one hanging up)
I want to practice my applique skills on the flower pot one.
The jacket pattern, that is just for fun!

The expo had several make and take things to do.
The one that I had the most fun with was the paint sticks.
I have never used these before but now I am hooked!
I just need some more lessons! If anyone knows of some tutorials online
please share them.  I need to learn when to use these paint sticks.
I love being creative, but I don't have that "artist" bone in my body!
Give me a pattern or something to look at and I'm good to go.

Saturday after the expo, I drove down to south Atlanta to see my kids.
My son and his girlfriend took me to one of their favorite places to do some
shopping for antiques and uniques.  A place named Kudzu.
We walked in the door and saw something I just had to have!

A Pink Zebra! 
Well when I saw the $1150 price tag, I decided I didn't like it that much!
This place had everything and more.  They also had several old quilts for sale.

They had one quilt with a signature and a date on the back.
Edna A Smith  1916 

This was in really good condition to be that old.
Price tag was $189

While in Atlanta it was a bit cold, rainey and windy, but that didn't stop the fun.

One day recently at home, it had rained one night and then the temperature drop to the low thirties. The next morning when I went out to my truck, the back deck cover had frost all over it. Nothing new but this time it was very unusual!

How cool is this? The rain/frost made the back of my truck
one big snowflake!

Well that's about it for now.  I have been playing in my new sewing playground and
still love it!  The more I'm in there, the more I love it!

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